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时间:2014-11-18 13:39    来源:未知    作者:联合华仪    点击:

    本站关键词:检针机 检针器 验针机 检针仪 验针仪 验针器 验钉器 验钉机 检钉机撑起国家安全【保护伞】,构筑国民安全【防火墙】:关注国民安全,关爱健康人生,享受健康生活;促进和谐。国家安全是国家的基本利益,是一个国家处于没有危险的客观状态,也就是国家没有外部的威胁和侵害也没有内部的混乱和疾患的客观状态。当代国家安全包括10个方面的基本内容:国民安全、领土安全、主权安全、政治安全、军事安全、经济安全、文化安全、科技安全、生态安全、信息安全。其中最基本也是最核心的是国民安全. (欢迎你浏览本站http://www.0755jcy.com/关注国家安全,关爱国民人生方面文章,我们会更努力的为你提供更多关于国民安全行业知识给你参考,感谢你对我们的支持!)为你提供更加专业详细的相关检针机产品目录导航:让你更加深入的了解我们的产品 检针机 首先有上下探头接收并处理信号,再通过强磁场感应和光电仪扫描感应,然后有强电集成块、灵敏度控制集成块、信号接收集成块和信号输出集成块来完成检测工作。,又称检针器。广泛适用于出口服装、针织品、床上用品、羽绒制品、皮革鞋帽、长毛绒玩具,以及食品、医学等行业,检测在生产过程中残留在物品中的断针、大头针、小铁屑等遗留物。 检针器 适用于检测遗留在各类服装中的断钊、大头针、别针(或其他铁磁物质)的检针机。被检测物品的输送方式为输送带连续输送。 验针机主要是用来检测纺织品中的断针及金属碎片的一种服装检测仪器,避免这些尖锐金属硬物伤害 到消费者的身体. 验钉机主要用于玩具、服装、制鞋、化工、皮革、针织等行业,用于检测夹杂或失落于原料或产品中的断针、铁丝或铅、铜、不锈钢等有色金属。 金属分离器以被检测物品输送方式来划分,通常将金属分离器分为:通道式、落体式和管道式 金属分离机落体式金属分离器一般都带有自动剔除装置,所以习惯称呼落体式金属分离器,或者金属分离器 本站永久网址:http://www.0755jcy.com/ 转载本站文章请注明出处,谢谢! 深圳市联合华仪智能设备有限公司专业生产检针机检针器验针机金属探测器金属探测仪安检门,金属探测机,,食品金属探测器金属分离器金属分离机,X光机,X射线异物检测机,金属检测仪等产品。价格合理,质量过硬。


 to ensure all aspects of operation and sensitivity as specified below:
2.The metal detection test should be carried out each hour by the metal detector operative and verified periodically by QA.   Any stoppages in production must be recorded on the Metal Detection (CCP3) record form.
3.Allow a case of finished product to pass through the metal detector first, before the test, to ensure it does not contain any metal.
4.Ferrous sensitivity test piece shall be placed on top of the finished product/in tray of IQF fillets and passed under the detection head in the same orientation as standard product.
5.The metal detector belt must stop and the alarm must function when the test stick is identified.
6.This step should be also should be repeated for non-ferrous sensitivity test stick.  Ensure all test pieces are removed from finished product pack, after the test has been successful.
7.Failure to identify either of test sticks will result in the identification and quarantine of all product packed since the last satisfactory test.
8.Quarantined product must be re-metal detected through a working metal detector at the earliest opportunity before release is authorised.
9.Finished product which activates the metal detector must be passed through the metal detection head again.  Product rejected again by the metal detector must be segregated.  The metal detector operative must immediately inform QA of the segregated finished product.
10.QA must thoroughly inspect the finished product which has activated the metal detector for any metal contaminants.
11.Product must be destroyed if the metal contaminant cannot be found.
如果金属污染物无法发现,产品必须进行销毁 。